Monday 1 June 2015

Lux Opposition - Jennifer L. Armentrout

Opposition – Jennifer L. Armentrout

*This review may contain a few spoilers of the previous books in the series*

Opposition is book 5, and the final book in the Lux series. A series to which I have absolutely adored, and am so saddened that it has come to an end. Jennifer has created such a world that absorbed me straight into it, and I really did not want to come back up for air.

‘Katy knows the world changed the night the Luxen came.

She can't believe Daemon welcomed his race or stood by as his kind threatened to obliterate every last human and hybrid on Earth. But the lines between good and bad have blurred, and love has become an emotion that could destroy her—could destroy them all.

Daemon will do anything to save those he loves, even if it means betrayal.

They must team with an unlikely enemy if there is any chance of surviving the invasion. But when it quickly becomes impossible to tell friend from foe, and the world is crumbling around them, they may lose everything— even what they cherish most—to ensure the survival of their friends…and mankind.

War has come to Earth. And no matter the outcome, the future will never be the same for those left standing.’

Opposition starts right off from where Origin ended, keeping all that momentum and action going. With the way Jennifer left us at the end of Origin, I was desperate to find out what was going to go down. But I was not expecting Dee, Dawson and Daemon to go with the Luxen invaders, just disappear with them, leaving Katy, Bethany, Archer and Luc behind, whilst all hell broke loose around them.  I have to say those Luxen invaders were absolutely ruthless! No one was spared, no man, woman or child. They assimilated them, and then killed them…no second thoughts. I thought it was incredibly interesting seeing this side of the Luxen, as it showed just how powerful Daemon and his family really were and quite frankly, how lucky Katy was to have them as her neighbours rather than these evil ones.

This really is a ‘save the world’ conclusion to the series, but it was still full of suspense, shock and mystery. More revelations were revealed, and Jennifer still had some tricks up her sleeve when it came to throwing those twists and turns at us. But the main pivotal force that truly drove this book was the characters, I loved every single character in this series, the good that you adored, and the bad that you just loved to hate, and felt enraged at being tricked by. Jennifer creates such detailed characters, the primary and secondary characters are so brilliantly written, that nothing is left or missed. You truly feel for these characters and are able to relate to them so much, I felt Katy’s heartbreak and pain, and I felt her rage, and as a main protagonist that was brilliant to experience.

Katy and Daemon are still, without doubt my favourite book couple, I adored them, and Daemons over protective issues. Katy really stood her own against him, and it was great to see that dynamic and just how much is has shifted since their first meeting in book one to now. I honestly could not get enough of them, and i think I could easily just continue reading their lives, even if it were just monotonous daily tasks, and no alien invasions at all. As boring as that may seem to some, that is just how much Jennifer makes you fall in love with these characters. Even with some of the Arum….(yep, I said it)

Dee and Katy showdown…

Katy going back home and seeing her mum…no words…

Daemon and Nancy…..

There is so much I want to talk about that happened in this book, and honestly I forget that this was just one book, as from start to finish so much happened. It was cram packed filled with action, the speed with which I flew through this book was immense, as I just could not get enough. However, I really do not want to take away from this experience, as this book series, truly is incredibly, and I feel quite unique within the YA book community. I have not read many paranormal, actions, romance books like this which have contained aliens. Maybe i personally just have not stumbled across them yet (and point me in their direction if so!!) but I never thought I would love an alien romance, or imagined one on paper.

This is quite a short review for the final book, but I really don’t want to involve too many spoilers if any at all, as there is nothing worse than knowing how the series ends before ever picking it up. It really takes from the shock and suspense of it all. But I will say this, the Lux series is by far up there with one of my favourite book series of all time, alongside JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and Sarah J Maas Throne of Glass series and it is very welcome in those top slots on my book shelves. I love a good book series, and if it keeps me gripped, entertained and clinging for more, then that to me is a brilliant book series and a true testament to an author’s writing, of which Jennifer L Armentrout literally produces brilliantly. I feel like I have to go on to read more of her work, just to keep the enjoyment going, however discovering that she will be releasing Oblivion this December (Book one of the Lux Beginnings series told by Daemons point of view) well I just had to go right along and pre order that bad boy!

If you love paranormal romance, action, suspense and entertainment, then this book and this series is 100% for you. As it really and truly is brilliant and I wish it never ended. So go out now and pick it up and give it a read, as it really is worth it!

I have given this book 5 out of 5 stars, which goes for the whole series in general

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